C’est La Vie
Retrospect brings joy and grief. Funny, how life finds its level.
Many good and well-laid plans never come to fruition. One the other hand, successful works may be accomplished by drawing a bow at a venture. It can be better to be opportunistic than good. Often, things just work out, and we really don’t know why. Heartbreaking to fail for the same reason. I have, many times, reached the point of decision and gulped, “Here goes nothing.” The lady or the tiger.
As way leads to way, our lives take shape over time. The decisions we make determine the places we go, and the places we go determine the options available to us. Vows to return to the comforts of friends and home are superseded by necessity and obligation. For a time, we cast a wistful eye backward, but eventually get down to the business of living. As seeds borne by the wind, we land and root somewhere until passing time washes us down.
Who knew which child would rise in life, and which would flounder? These are not known beforehand. It is a mystery unfathomable how and why my acquaintances (and I) reached the points at which we stand. Such questionings are not without cause. We grasp with difficulty that many things in life are beyond our control. We are not always aware of the spiritual dimension, and the sovereign God working His eternal plan.
Decision-making is not always conscious or intentional. To be sure, choices are made but without a master plan or overriding goal. Spiritually, we may pass days without thought. We live day-to-day, not feeling the encroaching years, until we suddenly have a life and a life’s work. Looking backward, we count the missteps, and our hearts are warmed as we understand the working of God through all.
I see changing you and changing me. Eventually, time reveals the workings of the present unknown. Life may defy our control, but it bows to the will of God. We don’t need to know everything in advance. Discovery is a great part of joyful living.
If our lives are committed to and guided by the Father’s hand, the unseen today will be acceptable tomorrow. The old folks know this.
Live your life, and let God work through you. Your memories may sting a bit, but they may bring great joy.
It goes to show you never can tell.