Don’t Bring Me Down
For the most advantaged, life is hard. For the disadvantaged, it can be unbearable. Since difficulty is the common experience, it behooves us to be more understanding. More compassionate. More kind. Because we all know what it feels like. Many people are having bad days and some much more.
It has been said we attempt to feel better about ourselves by making others feel bad about themselves. Whatever the reasons, I know we do it- a lot. However, the truth is, we feel bad when we make others feel bad. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. And people do better when we’re nicer to them. They are more likely to meet our expectations. This is one reason the Bible says to treat others as you’d want to be treated. It makes for a better world. We all win.
D.L. Moody said the hardest thing for God to do is make a person kind. The current struggle has been age-long. In the first century church, people were brutal to one another. Christian people. This even though some of the original apostles were still alive, and many had known Jesus personally. In fact, while our Lord was living and with them, the disciples had trouble with this very thing, as well. It’s common.
To those who disagreed, Paul said, “If you want to judge one another, then judge those who cause others to stumble and fall.” Life is hard enough without a swift kick from behind. Many Bible passages echo this thought. God takes the way we treat each other seriously. We should, too.
We could all be like elite athletes and make those around us better. We could be. It’s easy to mess up and embarrassing to own up. It’s easy to sin. Let’s learn to be kind. One day, each of us will have a hard time.
I don’t know if I deserve a break today, but I’d sure like to get one. Perhaps, you’d like one, too. Here’s hoping it comes your way.