Every Time I Try to Get Out
Not many things are more discouraging than feeling trapped. The feeling that there’s no way out of a situation. Walls close in over time.
At some point, people believe they can choose between destinations. At another, they suppose the die has been cast. There is escaping the worn grove. At least, as far as they can see. Opportunities unconsidered in days gone by no longer present.
It’s hard to change destiny after decades. Cautionary tales of vain attempts at rerouting mid-trip make it tempting to yield dreams. It’s called “learned helplessness.” Taught by example and experience that we cannot change our fates, we simply accept them. Voices calling the path of resignation wisdom add to the despair. The struggle for self-actualization fails for lack of a second.
Bad enough when the fates conspire, it’s a different matter when others conspire. Believe it or not, there are people who don’t want you to be all you can be. Adversaries may not think of themselves as intentional or detrimental. Some believe they are saving you from yourself. As if you wanted to be saved. Having lived on the edge, I’d like to speak in favor of the dreamers. We each should be able to live as our unique selves.
A friend of mine once said, “I’d rather make my own decisions and make them wrong than have someone else make them for me.” That’s the longing of the soul for freedom. Buried within all living, we find there are parameters unseen until we enter fields of endeavor. Hindrances may be the ideology and imposition of others.
I want you to have it. Freedom, that is. People and circumstances will stand in your way, but it’s worth the struggle if you succeed. I said, “If you succeed,” because there is significant risk.
Going further, I believe God wants you to be free. Only He can show you real freedom through your relationship with Him and fidelity to His Word. He will allow you to be your true self under His direction.
Don’t let them pull you back in. Struggle if the struggle breaks your heart. God’s will may run contrary to unsolicited advice. There are fewer people on the road not taken, so you’ll make better time if you can get through the fence. You’ll be at risk, but you’ll be free.
Don’t count everybody out, but don’t count them all in, either. Keep your eyes open and your wits about you. I’ll be seeing you on the lonesome road and smile as we pass.