If You Believe in Forever

Sterl Paramore
3 min readSep 12, 2018


There is no question that Christ-followers are given a beautiful and bountiful earthly life. Jesus Himself said this was the case. Neither is there any question that the standards of judgment between the children of God and the children of this world differ. It may be valid to ask for definitions of beauty and bounty.

One of my college professors often reminded his charges that the Christian life is best understood inside-out. Lasting beauty and fullness of joy are only possible to those who seek it through Christ and in the life-path He has set before them. This thought applies to the here-and-now but finds ultimate fulfillment in the life to come.

Christ has laid a path at your feet. You are to pursue it with patient endurance. Marathon courses are laid out for the runners. Courses have varying degrees of difficulty. On some, it would be impossible to set a world record, but the runners must contend with the course they are given. Honestly, some people run an easier course in life. It should not be surprising that they often do better. They have run well, but the degree of difficulty was not as steep. Unlike marathon runners, however, we do not get to choose our races. They have been laid before us. Joy can be found in any existence, but its definition may vary. So, also, may its depth.

If I am faithful and devout in my life, there is no question that I can enjoy it. I have never met a sincere Christian with any other opinion. But, most of my life is not going to be lived on planet earth as I know it today. I believe in forever. This belief and understanding mean that my efforts in this life should be primarily such as carry over into eternity.

It is possible for sincere Christians to place too much value on things that matter today with little eternal import. This is not done intentionally. It is just easier to focus on those things close at hand. They seem more real, even though the unseen things of life are eternal.

If I am reminding you, I am also reminding myself that love is all that lasts. Its works are the only ones that endure. Relationships are more important than real estate. Loving actions affect eternity. You and I will not fail to gain rewards by extending ourselves in the name of Christ.

Inconvenience may well be the path to immortality. Funny how the things we hate to do the most often make the best memories. The path laid before us is filled with opportunities for success and failure. There can be more of the former than the latter if we live our present lives with selfless verve and eyes on the quality of our future lives. There is more ahead than behind.

When Noah built an ark to save his house, he saved the world. No single believer can testify to everyone, but together we can reach the world with the message of Christ in our time. The gospel witness is a lasting responsibility and a loving action.

Without Christ, our families and friends will suffer in eternity. If we believe in forever, it is our responsibility to reach out to them before the door to the ark of safety closes, and the rain begins to fall. In the end, however, they must come. If we help them improve their lives, we increase our own joy both here and hereafter. A new day is nearer than we think.

To infinity and beyond.




Sterl Paramore
Sterl Paramore

Written by Sterl Paramore

I am a Christ-follower, husband, father, grandfather, pastor and therapist. Join me on a journey of faith for our times.

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