Sometimes, Goodbye is a Second Chance
When the thing most dreaded is the thing that happens, even the most resilient may despair. Call it weakness if you will, but frailty is the hallmark of human experience. In my view, much comfort received in times of deprivation is not comforting at all. It’s hard to look at the “big picture” when you’re framed-in. I believe our failure to know how to speak words of encouragement contributes to the despair of the hurting. Incidentally, there is quite a bit of Scripture relating to empathy and understanding. We would be wise to heed.
One thing remains irrevocably true- devastation often means freedom. By this, I mean that we
may be unable to loose ourselves from the restraints of life until something happens to shake us free. It’s not easy to leave secure confines even though they may be to our detriment. We get stuck in the rut of daily existence and seldom consider that life could be otherwise. Though personal development, overall satisfaction and real achievement are at stake, it is often easier to hold what we’ve got rather than draw another card.
It’s not easy to be brave, but, in times of calamity, we have no choice. Thought we may never be able to view life’s losses in a positive light, sometimes, the aftereffects of a storm clear the air. Joseph said, “God meant it for good.” Daniel said that God rules in the kingdom of men. In both cases, all of God’s doings were not apparent. We understand His plan better in the afterglow, and will understand it best in glory. Such words may ring hollow when repeated. That is why they need to be read. Precious words, ever true.
When I think, I thank. Let me encourage you to do the same and take heart. Past possessions not have been God’s ultimate plan for you. The thing that has shaken your reality may take you to a place you could not have reached otherwise. It’s not my call, merely my observation and understanding of the events in my journey. So many things in our lives are not of our choosing. Everything is not planned, but everything is not of chance. There is a God, and He is good. Jesus loves me, this I know.
We can’t control people or events, but we can embrace the opportunities afforded us. The answer to slow response could be as simple as rebooting the computer. You and I may need new starts to become more efficient and exuberant. I don’t usually upgrade apart from consequences.
Don’t despair, but, if you do, don’t stop. Take a deep breath, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Close the door on the past and wipe the tear of remembrance from your eye.
You’ve got a second chance.