Well, I Take Whatever I Want

Sterl Paramore
3 min readFeb 19, 2018


People (and pastors) often say, “We might as well face it, we do what we want to do.” This axiom is often used to explain misplaced priorities when attendance at an event is not as hoped. It is both comfort and castigation. Though I understand the philosophizing, I’m not sure it always applies. I have come to realize that a great many unseen forces are at work in every life and that not all events are (as thought) under the control of any individual. Sometimes, we are simply not able to do as we would. People in general and Christ-followers in particular should understand this truth.

On the other hand, it is true that choices reflect our values. If we hold something dear, we generally make a way. If we are unable to perform a specified task, we do something to make up the difference. We don’t just drop it. And we can all do more than we think we can. A great many people are living to the limits of their income, but, if they have to have it, are able to do something to come up with a little (or a lot) more cash.

In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus made an interesting statement regarding the nature of the kingdom of heaven and priorities. He said, From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” Though we sometimes think of obstacles to the gospel, we ought also to understand that heaven is waging a victorious battle against evil. It is forcefully advancing. To be a part of the advancing kingdom of heaven, a person has to be forceful, even violent (KJV). When salvation and heaven become priorities in a person’s life, they find a way to serve God.

From my youth, I remember sermons emphasizing the call of God away from the world and to Himself. Such addresses challenged us to lay aside all things to follow Christ and be joined to His cause. What a thrill they were! It would not be easy, but it would be worth it. Today, the oratory has changed. Often, we are told that God is joining us- not the other way around. Is it any wonder that sacrifice is at a low ebb? A clarion call is needed today. In such times, forceful believers are at a premium. These are wonderful days to serve the Lord, but they are not yesterday.

Each generation must discover certain incontrovertible truths for itself. Ultimate truth is found in God’s Word. Though magnificent in application, the basic call and challenge of Scripture rings clear.

In days to come, we will discover the true believers. We won’t be able to miss them. They are the ones who have counted the accolades of this world loss to lay hold on Christ. They are those who single-mindedly and forcefully pursue heaven with different mindsets than the mass of men and women. Living their faith, they confess that they seek a country. They are not retreating- they are advancing.

Lord, I want to be in that number.




Sterl Paramore
Sterl Paramore

Written by Sterl Paramore

I am a Christ-follower, husband, father, grandfather, pastor and therapist. Join me on a journey of faith for our times.

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